We have transitioned to Telehealth Only! Serving those within Ohio and Arkansas.
What is Dysphagia?
Dysphagia is difficulty chewing and/or swallowing.
Some symptoms include:
coughing when eating/drinking
consistent throat clearing
feeling food/liquid "go down the wrong pipe"
feeling food/liquid stuck in your throat
spilling food/liquid out of the mouth
unintentional weight loss
Swallowing occurs in three interconnected phases
1. Oral phase - responsible for containing food/liquid, mashing/preparing foods, and propelling them into the throat
2. Pharyngeal phase - responsible for propelling food/liquid into the esophagus by squeezing the food/liquid swiftly downward while also having to protect the airway to prevent choking/aspiration
3. Esophageal phase - responsible for moving food/liquid from the throat to the stomach via peristaltic wave
Dysphagia occurs when there is weakness or incoordination of the oropharyngeal muscles, leading to either food/liquid entering the airway toward the lungs (aspiration) or inability for the food/liquid to enter the esophagus toward the stomach (inefficiency). These difficulties can lead to aspiration pneumonia and/or malnutrition and dehydration. A speech-language pathologist can assist in diagnosing and treating dysphagia.
Here at Ascend Speech & Swallow...
we provide individualized swallowing therapy via rehabilitative exercise, compensatory strategies, and diet modifications, as indicated. Often times, imaging is required to identify impairments prior to treatment.
We are certified providers of the McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP), which systematically organizes swallowing activities using exercise physiology principles.